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Almada Mundo

By 21 Settembre 2021One Comment

Almada Mundo aims to contribute to the development of education, training and innovation systems with an inclusive, emancipatory and full citizenship perspective at all levels and fields of action. It is guided by principles of valuing the person, knowledge and innovation, built in networks and partnerships, in communities of learning and practice, and in the interaction of educational and training policies, locally, nationally and internationally.

It privileges the linguistic and cultural diversity of peoples, including those with fewer opportunities, in safeguarding the cultural and inter-personal heritage of humanity. In order to achieve its objectives, the Association is responsible for: to develop processes of change at the level of communities and educational and training contexts through the dynamics of education, training and innovation; promote professional and academic mobility for a global education, both nationally and internationally, respect for cultural and linguistic diversity and recognition of the person, values, knowledge and experiences and experiences; activate training procedures that encourage self-training, research and the emergence of innovative and effective practices, tailoring training to the diversity of contexts, expectations and needs;

Almada Mundo aims to:

  • provide the creation of digital learning and training environments, ensuring the transversely of ICT and Multimedia in the training processes;
  • stimulate and consolidate attitudes and methodologies of collaborative work, developing new skills and knowledge sharing the production of resources and good practices;
  • establish relations with and coordinate with any local, national and international organizations forms of cooperation consistent with the social objective of the association;
  • working with teenagers constitutes a challenging job, for the development of a social professional and personal identity based on soft skills, creativity, and innovation, resourcing to creative and innovative methodologies witch is fundamental towards the promotion of citizenship and democracy.

Create structures and develop partnerships that encourage sharing and exchange with local, national and international associations and institutions in the areas of education, training and innovation; establish specialized committees and working groups to analyse and treat issues related to education, training and innovation. To value the territory of Almada, in the potential of its socio-cultural diversity, in dimensions of dialogue, collaboration, integration, inclusion for the promotion of a global development, based and sustained in the quality of education, in the case of reference, in the education of adults, non-formal, with a lifelong learning perspective, based on universal values that give meaning to the motto of “Being Almada in the World, Being World in Almada”.

For the purpose of developing the tasks / activities of the project, Almada Mundo integrates a multidisciplinary work team with experience and competence in intervention in multicultural contexts with inclusive and holistic vision through the articulation between different areas such as Social and Human Sciences – Law, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Culture, Language and Communication, Citizenship and Employability, Tourism Animation, Sociocultural Animation, Artistic expressions, linguistic and cultural literacies in Adult Education.

The association designs and implements adult socio-cultural and educational intervention projects, aiming at sharing and training of publics, communication and interaction between worlds in dialogue, with a view to promoting, in a collaborative and constructive way, the ways of inclusion, of transformation and emancipation of the person in collaborative networks and local, national and international partnerships (eg, eFabularia – For a community of storytellers in Almada, Worlds in Dialogue, Handicrafts, InovarLab).

Conscious of the need for transformative action, the association promotes intergenerational, dialogic interaction of educational participation in the community with the concern to develop civic consciousness on the scholar and educative communities, our mission is to intervene socially on an active citizenship with this perspective we focus on each person and their human development since childhood to old age with a focus on the teenage and youth that have dropped out of school the plan of activities and action is, by this point, strategic, when it comes to education formation and innovation.

Following these ideas, our association have been looking to know, investigate, and build the correct responses to the problematic situations in Almada. We look to identify our community’s problems by giving voices to their protagonists. To learn is our mission and our vision is to bring forth a better integration and inclusion in Almada, in Portugal, and in a European dimension, always in a democratic and a participative civic way.


Author Admin

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